Writing in graduate school differs significantly from writing done in an undergraduate program, as do the expectations of faculty members. No matter the graduate program, writing is an essential and inescapable component of each program because it is our best means of academic discourse.
Graduate students are expected to write seminar papers, conference proposals, grant proposals, theses, dissertations, and journal articles, while engaging in professional communication with colleagues and faculty members. Unfortunately, many incoming graduate students are not fully prepared in their undergraduate programs to meet these writing expectations. Georgia State offers a variety of excellent, free resources for graduate students to assist with every step of the writing process.
Write-In Workshops
Writing can be tough. Setting aside blocks of time to writing can be a challenge. If you are in need of some accountability and would like to accomplish your writing goals the Graduate Student Write-In may be just what you need!
The Write-In is a four-day workshop designed to give graduate students group accountability and an atmosphere for writing to aid in the completion of a thesis, dissertation, prospectus, or manuscript for publication.
Students will also have the opportunity to meet with a writing consultant or subject librarian for individualized assistance.
Design your own schedule. Choose your day(s) and block(s) of time for each day AM1/2 day (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.), PM1/2 day (12 - 4 p.m.) or Full-day (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.).
One Site Support Available
• Writing consultants for individualized assistance.
• Subject Librarian drop-in for one-on-one support
• Citation Management assistance
• Data services support with Research Data Services Team members
With the ultimate goal of help students to:
1. Making progress on research writing which is more focused and efficient
2. Protecting or ‘quarantining’ time for your research writing, away from distractions
3. Building a sense of community around writing
4. Increasing motivation and confidence in their ability to set a goal and achieve it.
If you are in need of some accountability and would like to accomplish your writing goals the Shut Up & Write may be just want, you need! Design your own schedule. Choose your day(s) and block(s) of time for each day AM (9-1:00), PM (12-4:00) or Full-day (9-4:00).
- Record daily goals via iCollege discussion board.
- Daily check-ins via WebEx for accountability and to celebrate accomplishment.
- Platforms used: iCollege & WebExWriting can be tough. Setting aside blocks of time to writing can be a challenge.
GRAD 7999: Special Topics
GRAD 7999: Special Topics - Writing S.O.S. (Succeed Over the Semester) (1 - 3 credit hours)
For graduate students who want to make progress on writing projects during the summer, fall or spring and strengthen their academic writing skills. Check-ins available to keep you accountable for weekly writing goals. Involves a time commitment for the months of June and July with introductory activities, virtual write-ins, and recorded or live virtual sessions of your choice. Options include those focused on building a literature review, citation management, publishing your scholarship, and strategies for staying productive, among others.
GRAD 7999: Special Topics - Data Jam: Analyzing, Visualizing & Communicating for Maximum Impact (1 - 3 credit hours)
For graduate students interested in building their data analytic, visualization and presentation skills. Involves a 15-hour time commitment (8 sessions asynchronous or synchronous) with introductory activities and recorded or live virtual workshops of your choice each week. Options range from workshops on statistical software packages (e.g., SPSS, NVivo, R), data visualization and mapping to preparing compelling presentations.
Earn a course completion badge and other data badges through the course. Share your badge(s) to show off your data skills! Post them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook or embed code on websites.
Co-sponsored with the Georgia State University Library
The Graduate School
Contact: [email protected] or 404-413-2694
Writing Support for International Graduate Students
ESL 7350: Academic Writing for Graduate Students (3 credits)
- Receive individual feedback on your writing
- Increase your understanding of and write academic genres (e.g., summaries, data commentary)
- Develop your research writing skills (paraphrasing, synthesizing, citing, library research)
- Practice the writing process (including developing revision and editing skills)
- Refine your use of academic vocabulary and grammar
The course follows the GSU semester schedule. Registration occurs during the university course registration period.
This course is pass-fail; students earn a “satisfactory” grade with a course average of 80%.
Incoming students: This course is an excellent introduction to graduate-level writing demands. Enroll to get a start on success! (You must be admitted to GSU to enroll.)
Returning students: Further develop and refine your academic writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. Write about your current research interests and receive one-on-one feedback to improve your articulation of ideas.
For information about additional support courses for international graduate students:
ESL Program for Graduate Students
Department of Applied Linguistics & ESL Georgia State University
Contact: [email protected], 404-413-5200 OR
Sharon Cavusgil, ESL Director, [email protected], 404-413-5183