Our 150+ distinctive graduate degree programs across nine colleges, schools and institutes will take you anywhere you want to go.
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Whether you’re pursuing one or multiple graduate degrees, the choices for charting your own way are plentiful. Our 150+ distinctive graduate degree programs across nine colleges, schools and institutes will take you anywhere you want to go.
Advanced Language and Literacy Science Graduate Certificate
Africana Studies Graduate Certificate
Africana Studies, M.A.
Anthropology Graduate Certificate in Ethnography
Anthropology, M.A. Museum Anthropology Concentration
Anthropology, M.A.
Applied Linguistics, B.A./M.A.
Applied Linguistics, M.A.
Applied Linguistics, Ph.D.
Applied Statistics, M.S.
Astronomy, Ph.D.
Biological Sciences, M.S.
Biological Sciences, Ph.D.
Biology, B.S., Health Sciences with a concentration in Nutrition, M.S.
Biology, B.S./M.S.
Biology, B.S./Medical Sciences in Biology, M.S.
Chaplaincy Studies, Graduate Certificate
Chemistry, B.S./M.S.
The information shared here is intended to provide an overview of Georgia State University’s offerings. For official details on admission requirements, tuition, courses and more, please refer to the university catalogs.
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The Graduate School coordinates graduate admissions. Students seeking a graduate degree will apply through the school and receive additional support from the Graduate School and college, school or institute academic offices.